2024 Sabbath
Summer Sabbath 2024 

So then, a sabbath rest still remains for the people of God; for those who enter God’s rest also cease from their labours as God did from his. Let us therefore make every effort to enter that rest (Hebrews 4: 9-11)

Each Summer at St Mary's we embrace a season of Sabbath rest as a church. We intentionally slow down and change the pace of church and our lives to rest and be restored by this rhythm of God's grace. 

So what is different on Sundays then?
Our Online @9 and 10:30am service will be simpler and shorter. We give all our teams as much of a break as possible so there are no separate children's groups. Instead we all worship together until the end of August with a shorter more child friendly service, plus a children's corner packed full of activities to be enjoyed.

Summer Sabbath Podcast Series
Unpack the topic further with guided prayers and teaching via our Podcast.
Episode One

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Episode Two

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Episode Three

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Why Rest?
Sabbath rest was part of how Jesus' lived, and it's his example we pattern our lives on today. Sabbath begins in creation, is established in the 10 commandments, and lived out by God's people ever since. We live in a world of incredible busyness and and that requires conscious disengagement on our part to rest and be restored.

How can I join in?
Disengage Daily - find an hour each week to switch off your phone and step away from emails/social media. Instead do something that brings you joy - read a book, go for a run, have dinner with friends - the options are limitless

Sabbath Weekly - for 24 hours each week disengage fully from work, switch off your phone, avoid the internet and enjoy being present with those around you.

Sabbath Season - find a new slower pace for a season. Why not get up half an hour later each morning in August, or come home early from work to have dinner with your kids? Pick up that book you've been meaning to read and carve out time every day for a month to enjoy it. Enjoy the slower pace the summer offers many of us and take full advantage of it.